Establish a local presence by purchasing a phone number in area code 320. Phone numbers in area code 320 are associated with the state of Minnesota. There are currently at least 1 U.S. cities and 141 U.S. ZIP Codes associated with this telephone area code. In addition, there are at least 800 NXX's (the three-digit code that makes up digits 4-6 of a standard 10-digit U.S. phone number) available for use along with area code 320.
Phone numbers in area code 320 are associated with the state of Minnesota.
The 320 area code currently has at least 1 cities in Minnesota associated with it: and Saint Cloud, MN.
There are at least 141 U.S. ZIP codes associated with the area code 320 at this time (view all here).
The ZIP Code 56301 is the ZIP Code most frequently connected to the 320 area code. The 56301 ZIP Code is primarily associated with Stearns County in the state of Minnesota.
There are 32 counties associated with the 320 area code: Stearns County; Pope County; Isanti County; Pine County; Stevens County; Kanabec County; Kandiyohi County; Chisago County; Douglas County; Meeker County; Chippewa County; Morrison County; McLeod County; Wright County; Swift County; Big Stone County; Todd County; Lac qui Parle; Crow Wing County; Mille Lacs County; Grant County; Yellow Medicine; Renville County; Benton County; Lyon County; Traverse County; Clay County; Otter Tail County; Aitkin County; Carver County; Sherburne County; Redwood County.
An NXX, which is also known as the a "central office code" or an "exchange", is the three-digit sequence that comprises digits 4-6 of a standard 10-digit U.S. phone number. The NXX is the second main part of a phone number that comes directly after the area code, e.g. (320)-737-xxxx.
Detailed information about area code 320 phone numbers. Establish a Minnesota presence with a 320 number.